Rail, bus, cycle, waterway

Rail, bus, cycle, waterway

kerékpárút Barcs


Barcs is located along the railway line no. 60, Pécs–Gyékenyes that provides connection through Szentlőrinc to Pécs (with a transfer to Budapest), and through Gyékényes and Nagykanizsa to Szombathely (with a transfer to Sopron). In Barcs all personal and fast trains stop. More information: https://www.mavcsoport.hu/


kerékpárút Barcs


In Barcs the bus station is located next to the railway station. From Barcs all settlements in the close area, as well as several places in South Transdanubia are accessible with public bus.
More information: https://menetrendek.hu/


kerékpárút Barcs

Bicycles, wheelsets

Barcs is located at the international cycling route EuroVelo 13 (Iron Curtain Trail), with direct connection towards Croatia (Virovitica). The route goes on the Drava riverside to Drávatamási, then through Drávaszabolcs, Siklós and Villány towards Mohács.
More information: https://en.eurovelo.com/ev13, www.kerekparut.com

Downloadable maps

Croatian – English »

Hungarian – English »

The ”Amazon of Europe” cycling route, which goes through the five-country UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Mura-Drava-Danube. On this route Barcs is the end point of stage N6 (Nagyatád–Barcs) and starting point of stage N7 (Barcs–Szaporca).
More information: www.aoebiketrail.com

The Town of Barcs offers bikes for rent. Information: Gábor Horváth, referent for sport: +36 82 565-964

kerékpárút Barcs


Currently there is no organised tourist ship traffic in Barcs.

In connection with water tours on the Drava, information at: Gábor Horváth, referent for sport: +36 82 565-964

Mobility Centre

Mobility Centre

The Mobility Centre building and functions

After its reconstruction, the old salt storage house turned into a multifunctional tourism station which, just like caravanserays in the past, offers relaxation and recreation to the tired wayfarer. In addition to receiving shelter and refreshment, tourists arriving here by train, car, by riding a horse or a bicycle, on water or on foot, will be able to obtain information about the sights of the region, and will even have the chance to organise their way on. The Mobility Centre is a place which is good both to arrive at and be around, because it offers a contentful stay.


Mobilitási Központ - Barcs, Sótároló


The community area comprising two rooms occupying the building can attract people of all age groups, since the interactive installations set up here offer a playful way of finding out about the values found in Barcs and the surrounding areas. The community space is made up of a square-shaped ground floor and a gallery. The gallery can be a place for tourists individually gaining information: because of its relative isolation and shape, devices involving sounds are also installed here. In addition to Hungarian language, all the contents of the exhibition are available in English and Croatian, too.


Mobilitási Központ - Interaktív látogatóközpont


The exhibition

Visitors arriving at the Mobility Centre first step into the community area on the ground level where a board game and smart points are installed. You can find out about the interactive exhibition here.


Interactive exhibition

Interactive exhibition

Interactive exhibition

The 98 m2 exhibition area situated in the Mobility Centre comprises five different elements, and besides the wall decoration having a pleasant atmosphere, there are also bean bag chairs, benches and tables to be used in various games. The purpose of the exhibition is to inform and educate visitors of all age groups about the history of transport, industrial heritage, traditions, natural environment, cultural and ethnographic values of Barcs.

The huge, coloured tokens and dices of the board game, together with the game field (board) covering almost the entire floor area invite people to play. Because the simple game rules of Ludo are well known for almost everyone irrespective of their nationality, a joyful game round can soon develop. The colours and icons of the game board elements refer to the 5 Smart points placed around it, showing information and interesting facts about the particular modes of transport.

Board game

Board game

The main attraction of the Mobility Centre is the game board occupying the major part of the community area on the ground level. With its large size and colourful figures it invites people to play. Because the rules are those of the popular Ludo board game, visitors are not required to read sophisticated game descriptions. The few special rules can be easily understood by quickly reading through the tables displayed on the pillars. The size of the game area allows for playing in a group. Families or friends can form teams, with tasks for everyone. The dice is big, yet lightweight and soft so that it will not hurt should it hit someone. The tokens can be moved about without having to be lifted, allowing even a little kid to toss them along the board.

Smart points

Smart points

Touchscreen kiosks are located at the walls surrounding the board game, which allow visitors to browse about the particular modes of transport, their history in Barcs and other interesting facts.

Fruits of the Drava interactive content

Fruits of the Drava interactive content

The content of the “Fruits of the Drava” interactive kiosk comprises all that the river and its environment provide for those living alongside it or visiting here. In addition it provides useful advice, recipes and tips for anglers. The content is organised into five sections:

  1. Fauna – animal life in the Drava and its floodplain, with special emphasis on fishes living in the river
  2. Plant identifier – vegetation of the Drava and its floodplain
  3. Catch diary – Some useful tips for angling in the Drava
  4. Cuisine – How to prepare what we have caught
  5. Sound hunter – Sounds of the Drava and a quiz showing you how well you listened

Tour guide interactive content

Tour guide interactive content

The Tour guide is a tourism-focused section about Barcs and its surroundings, collecting all related information together in a thematic division. The section contains five chapters:

  1. Museums and exhibitions
  2. Leisure
  3. Restaurants
  4. Accommodation
  5. Natural sights

Virtual water tour

Virtual water tour

The virtual water tour provides visitors with a boat tour on the Drava even though only in the form of an illusion. The installation guides visitors through the most interesting Drava sections, with projector videos providing an array of information and curiosities. After taking a seat inside the boat body, river sections can be selected on the tablet mounted on a console.