The exhibition will be opened in spring 2022 as part of a cross-border cooperation programme
One of the major components of the project “Virtual re-connection of industrial nodes along the Drava between Hungary and Croatia (VICINaD)” running within the INTERREG VA Hungary Croatia Cross-Border Co-operation Programme is the creation of an interactive visitor centre in Barcs, aiming to present the transport history of Barcs as well as information on history, culture and traditions. The visitor space captivates both children and adults, with unique solutions. High attendance at the exhibition will be facilitated by marketing activities related to the project and a new website.
A so-called interactive exhibition, belonging to a new generation of exhibition techniques, will be created in Barcs as part of an EU project. The cca. 100 square metre exhibition area comprises 5 major elements that serve the introduction of transport history, culture, flora and fauna, as well as traditions, in a way that visitors can have the perfect illusion of being present in the particular situations or environment.
Interactive visitor centre – Barcs
The first, room-sized element is a board game with gigantic tokens, called “Travelling on land, water and horseback”, applying the rules of the popular “Ludo” board game. The game can be played with 5 tokens at the same time, each of them representing a particular means of transport such as the locomotive or the canoe. For such a game, the dice, of course, also needs to be gigantic: steps will be counted using a half-metre soft dice. However, the game will be much more than just that: beside the start fields funny information will be displayed on smart devices about the history of each token (i.e. means of transport), this being the second component of the visitor centre. Moreover, a challenge also awaits visitors in the form of a test which can be filled out about various vehicles, helping to internalize the new information and preserve long-lasting memories.
Interactive visitor centre – Barcs
One of the most exciting parts of the exhibition is the third element, the virtual water tour, where space and time almost disappear. The Drava is currently accessible only with the help of a tour guide, but this exhibition element allows access to the river by canoe – now on land, in the middle of the exhibition. The visitor sits in a 3D canoe, watching the drone footage appearing on a screen in front and in the back that represents the particular stretch of river the visitor is currently travelling on.
This exhibition would not be complete without showing the environmental values of the Drava river. Touchscreen devices will provide access to information about flora, fauna and angling, a recipe-book on “Fruits of the Drava”, and a unique sound-recognising game which will probably amuse everybody, since visitors will have to pair the sounds of interesting animals with their photos.
The last element of the exhibition invites visitors outside the virtual space by offering exciting and interesting hiking trails that those interested can compile and modify themselves, and even send the finalised plans instantly to their e-mail address, then setting out right away to explore the area.
The interactive visitor centre combines traditional values with new technologies, thus offering real-life experience using virtual tools. It is bridging over space and time along with new types of solutions that will make this new facility of Barcs unique and unrepeatable.
További információ:
Further information:
Municipality of Barcs
H-7570 Barcs, Bajcsy-Zs. u. 46. Hungary
+36 82 565-960
This article was produced as part of the “VICINaD – Virtual re-connection of industrial nodes along the Drava between Hungary and Croatia” (HUHR/1901/2.1.2/0120), funded by the Interreg V-A Hungary-Croatia Co-operation Programme. The project was financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
This writing was co-financed by the European Union. Its content belongs to the sole responsibility of the Municipality of Barcs. The materials contained herein should not be construed as reflecting the official position of the European Union and / or the Managing Authority of the HU-HR Interreg Programme.